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8 Tips to make your lips pink/brighter

There’s nothing as appealing and mesmerizing as soft full pink lips?Here are those 8 tips to make your lips pink then. Hence you are reading this,right! Studies have found, “lips are a woman’s most attractive feature” but ladies, aren’t they a man’s seductive feature.

However, it’s much easier to damage your lips, with cause such as direct exposure to sunlight, dehydration, smoking, allergic reactions and high intake of caffeine.

Additionally, hormonal imbalances also play a crucial role. Thus you become careless, these might lead up to dry, dark or chapped lips, and no one wants to have that, right ??‍♂️. But, don’t worry those days are over honey!

However, healing your lips and making them appealing again is as easy as damaging them, it just needs your commitment. To take into consideration, you don’t even need to buy much because natural remedies work best.

Nonetheless, these are natural home remedies for regaining soft pink healthy attractive lips?:


1. Toothpaste & Sugar

Exfoliate your lips with a white toothpaste and sugar mixture. Use the mixture as a scrub before bed(at night) and in the morning. When making the scrub, try to make sure that the sugar dissolves in the paste. Additionally, try to brush your lips as gently as you can, with your toothbrush and leave the past on for at 15-20 minutes. Rinse your mouth fragilely and immediately apply your lip moisturizer or balm. Personally, I prefer zam-buk.

2. Lemon & Honey

Same as the above, this mixture will help with getting rid of the dead cells on the lips and reveal new healthy skin. Lemon has bleaching benefits, while honey fight off the dead cells. Chop a slice of lemon and apply drops of honey on it and gently rub on your lips. Or you can mix the two in a blender and keep refrigerated and also apply as a scrub. You should see the amazing results in just a week, but remember to always immediately moisturize those lips ?.

3. Moisturizer

Moisturizing is the best element in avoiding dry lips. You can buy and verified lip balm you are comfortable with in any local store. I personally use zam-buk the red flavor and it works wonders. Not only does it heal my lips automatically before any further damage but it gives that rosey pink color. Vaseline works too!!


1. Dehydration

Well the first step into getting healthy lips, is living a healthy lifestyle. Drinking lots of water is a huge benefit to one’s skin and body in general. Try at least reaching your 8 glasses of water per day, I know it sounds much easier said than done but it’s worth the effort.

2. Try avoiding direct contact with the sun, specifically towards your lips.

3. Avoid keeping your lips dry for prolonged times.

4. Wash of your makeup/lipstick before bed.

5. Also, try to avoid consuming excessive amounts of caffeine/hot drinks.

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