What is an After 9? South African gay culture

At this point in time in your life, we gonna take a guess, you might have heard a thing. Or ,at least, two about this controversial phrase, right. An “After 9” is a specialized terminology used within the contemporary gay South African culture to describe an in denial closeted homosexual man, who only participates in man-to-man sexual activities after 9pm.
Basically, these are the type extremely undercover gay-closeted men who claim themselves to be straight throughout the day. But are in touch with their homosexual side during the night, after 9 that is.
These are usually the worst kind of closeted brothers you can ever get involved with. Because they strongly believe that they are of the purest straight of men. With them there are certain procedures that are set in order to protect, or maintain, their masculinity(what is highly associated with heterosexual male).
Rule number 1…👀
For one, if ever you are to get involved with these types of brothers, of course presumably you are openly gay, you can only be able to see them during the dark…? after 9 pm. Although, the term ‘after 9’ doesn’t doesn’t necessarily mean that these particular men engage with other men specifically after 9pm on the spot, but rather within that range…at night. The aim here is caution, never to be seen during the day.
Secondly, there’s always an unspoken rule, you can never ever share any of these late hour intimate moments with anyone!! Some will even go to the extent of being adamant about this and perhaps require you to be too.
Thirdly, you don’t get have a slight glimpse of his public love affairs (his damn relationship) and so, you aren’t allowed to ask either, get it!
Lastly, you can forget about any chance of sleeping over. There’s only so much time you can spend with them and it’s usually not as intimate as one would like it to be.
They call the shots around here
Then again, after 9s only view their in the dark entanglements as similar to that of a ‘no strings attached ” kind of situation. You do not to call the shots around here, they do! Your duty is to wait in line for the green light to come over. Until his schedule requires your presence and that is most definitely during the evening either way.
Forget about love because he doesn’t love you, he never did before and he’ll definitely not tomorrow. It doesn’t necessarily matter how good you might think you are giving it to him, that is not the point!
Thus, one has to always know his worth. Appreciate your dignity whenever dealing with an after 9 because sweetheart he will make you go nuts ? and look it too. Well, there you have it peeps, remember to stay safe, always play it safe and remember…no strings attached lmao!!
I’m hoping to get more information on Gays regarding issues because I am also gay thanks ??♥️??